Insider Guide - Joseph Hayes

Joseph Hayes (@theillusionofdepth) is an artist working with photography, video, sound and movement. Creatively energised by the Norwich community of passionate and like-minded artists, he works with musicians, festivals, brands, and whoever. 

Jo enjoys the variety of projects that cross his path, whether it’s running workshops for Nike, a cover shoot with @curlrecordings, filming a chat show with @doyoubabyyy or teaching Capoeira in Norfolk schools with @capocoms he jumps in with both feet. 

Having just finished creating billboards for his friend, musician @nabihahiqbal ,  he continues working on his Audio Diary project called ‘Heard’ and creating a fledgling artist collective based in his favourite Norwich area; Magdalen Street. 

You can find Jo in his top Norwich spots; stuffing his face at @soyokazejapanese , singing his heart out at @karaokpen_mic, on the dance floor at @spacestudionorwich / @gonzostworoom , swimming in rivers, or trying to dunk at Jenny Lind park.

Instagram @theillusionofdepth


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